Jonathan's shared items

Tuesday, March 6, 2007


A couple of posts ago I mentioned how Viacom's DMCA notices had led to YouTube pulling down some innocent videos, including one by a "Harvard student." I stand very corrected, because apparently this "Harvard student" is actually Dr. James F. Moore, whose contributions to society include being:

The founder and former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of GeoPartners Research, which he led from 1990 to 1999. GeoPartners invested in and consulted to companies whose strategies required change in large scale systems, including AT&T, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Intel, Intel Capital, Hewlett-Packard, Softbank Group, Qualcomm, Motorola, Johnson & Johnson, Jim Henson Productions, GE Capital, and Royal Dutch Shell.

A Senior Fellow at Harvard Law School in the Berkman Center for Internet & Society for four years.

Now this could get interesting because Dr. Moore is quite angry and quite capable of causing a ruckus. We shall see what develops.

To be honest, the most startling thing about this sordid tale in my mind is that it proves that YouTube is not just used by 15 year olds recreating Pokemon videos...but also Harvard Law School professors. wow.

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